Social Wasps
Wasps are not the bad guys. They are important pollinators and incredible natural garden pest control.
Wasps are not the bad guys. They are important pollinators and incredible natural garden pest control.
A really good late summer plant for pollinators is the globe thistle, Echinops ritro.
Would you like to learn a bit more about the bees in your garden? During the spring and summer (mostly) I take bee walks or bee safaris at some very special gardens around the UK, from RHS Wisley, National Trust Hidcote, RHS Rosemoor to Yeo Valley Organic Garden & Jekka’s Herb Farm. It can be
When you want the perfect party for a bee lover, why not have a birthday bee bash with Jean Vernon
The green eyed flower bee has green opal like eyes.
There’s a full page and a half article about supporting garden pollinators in the Daily Telegraph, by Jean Vernon
Leave a few dandelions to flower in your garden. They are a vital source of pollen and nectar for pollinators
Come and join me on a bee safari. We can get up close with some of our garden pollinators.