Yeo Valley Bee Safaris Summer 2023
Come and join me for a bee safari at Yeo Valley Organic Gardens in 2023
Come and join me for a bee safari at Yeo Valley Organic Gardens in 2023
Join Jean Vernon for a special course to introduce you to some of the wild bees in your garden
I’m really excited to share some of the things I will be doing this year to champion our wild bees and pollinators.
There are a few events left where you can hear Jean Vernon talk about bees and pollinators.
Bee Bingo is a fun, interactive way of learning about our garden bees.
A nature table is a great way to show others the beauty of insects, pollinators and bees
Image: Jean Vernon
Would you like to learn a bit more about the bees in your garden? During the spring and summer (mostly) I take bee walks or bee safaris at some very special gardens around the UK, from RHS Wisley, National Trust Hidcote, RHS Rosemoor to Yeo Valley Organic Garden & Jekka’s Herb Farm. It can be
When you want the perfect party for a bee lover, why not have a birthday bee bash with Jean Vernon
Jean Vernon was the bee expert in the Clore Education Centre at RHS Wisley SuperBees 2022
There’s a full page and a half article about supporting garden pollinators in the Daily Telegraph, by Jean Vernon