Christmas rose
Grow hellebores to feed winter active pollinators.
Grow hellebores to feed winter active pollinators.
A bee revival kit makes a great gift
Agastache is a great pollinator plant that is rich in nectar
Bee balm is a magnet for bees and other pollinators.
Bee Bingo is a fun, interactive way of learning about our garden bees.
Borage is a great pollinator plant. It’s so easy to grow from seed and has nectar rich flowers.
The small tortoiseshell butterfly is fairly widespread in UK gardens
Image: Jean Vernon
Look out for this extraordinary moth in your summer gardens. It hovers like a hummingbird but is actually a moth.
A really good late summer plant for pollinators is the globe thistle, Echinops ritro.
If you grow one thing for the pollinators choose Viper’s bugloss