If you grow runnerbeans you need bumblebees. It takes a big strong bee to force open the flowers and reach in to drink the nectar. As the bumblebee climbs into the flower, pollen is attracted to its hairy, fluffy body. Then as the bumblebee moves to the next flower it takes the pollen with it.
In the UK we don’t sow runnerbean seeds until the spring. Many gardeners did not have a good year for runnerbean harvest. It’s been such a horrible wet summer that our bumblebees really struggled this year. If you aren’t concerned about the decline in pollinators you should be. Imagine how the dearth of pollinators has affected the farmers and their harvests this season? We need to nurture all of our biodiversity. We can make a huge difference by growing more flowers in our gardens. If you love runnerbeans then it’s good to know that you are also feeding the bumblebees.

Long tongued bumblebees like the Garden Bumblebee (Bombus hortorum) love runnerbeans. They get plenty of nectar and you get a good crop of beans! It’s magic. Better than Jack and the beanstalk!