Have you watched the fabulous children’s TV programme Lloyd of the Flies yet? It’s an Aardman creation and it’s great.
The main characters are Lloyd B Housefly and Abacus the Woodlouse who get up to all sorts of amazing adventures with their insect buddies.
It’s a brilliant way to get children interested in bugs and actually it’s great for adults too. Aardman has partnered with the RHS Gardens this summer, where Lloyd goes on a grand Bug & Pest Hotel Hunt at the RHS gardens. It’s a mini-beast adventure on a grand scale featuring the characters from the new children’s comedy series Lloyd of the Flies.
What’s really exciting (for me anyway) is that I am supporting the mini beast theme at the RHS Wisley Gardens in August (7-11th) based in the Clore Education Centre. So you can bring the little ones to see some of the real stories behind Lloyd and his friends and learn a bit more about your garden mini beasts. I can’t wait.